Patching Up Our Colony, One Cat at a Time.

Want to catalyze change? 

Miss T and Scrambled

Meet the colony!

The Leadership

  • Albert (Bertie Boo Boo)

    Albert (Bertie Boo Boo)

    Calm and wise, Albert is the cherished leader of the colony. One day he appeared on our front porch with a longing to be social with the original colony cats only to be picked on by them! Albert soon found his role in taking care of and befriending the younger kitties. As time progressed Bertie slowly rose through the ranks becoming the colony leader in the summer of 2023. Albert has a soft spot for affection but feels conflicted about receiving it in front of too many cats, showing such adorably. An eccentric little dude, Albert enjoys walking in place and scratching at the water when he drinks. With a heart of gold, he’s as unique as he is loving. 

    Albert’s friends (alliances): Tomlynn, Jerry, Squeak, and most recently Gator. Bertie had a special bond with Gum Drop and Miss T, their passing has deeply affected him.

  • Tomlynn


    Eccentrically loving, Tomlynn is second in command. Tomlynn’s youthful spirit hides his arthritic back and tender mouth. The world is truly Tomlynn’s playground, as he imaginatively prances and pounces about as if the leaf/stick/puddle/bug/etc. in the yard are the ultimate foe. Tomlynn has a broad stance and sticks out his tongue with wiley eyes. This combination makes him look like a crazed hyena. Tomlynn loves to fake attack hands and knows his own strength enough to be gentle.

    Alliances: Tomlynn is Bertie’s right-hand man. Tomlynn loved Gum Drop to pieces and she made the trio whole. Recently Tomlynn has taken to Gator, whose similar spirit to Gum Drop has revived something in him.

  • Jerry


    Jerry is one complex little dude. He loves to act big, all bad and tough, but he is really a sensitive little soul who wants to be held. Jerry’s time in the colony has been filled with strife. Jerry was the OG colony leader, who in 2021 ruled with aggression and pride. Jerry was originally owned by a neighbor who in 2022 moved away. At the time Jerry disappeared so naturally, we thought they took him with them. Fast forward to Christmas 2023 Jerry showed up emaciated, shot with BB’s, sores in his mouth, abscess teeth, FIV+, and with a severe ear infection to top it all off. Jerry was immediately taken into our care. Jerry is now timid and evasive, but is slowly recovering his strong will and pride. Today he is a chunky boy who still has health issues but manages to be playful and find happiness regardless.

    Alliances: When Jerry reappeared around Christmas 2023, Bertie and Tomlynn really stepped up, taking him under their wings. Since then, Jerry’s gone from being good pals with them to being strong enough to shake things up and make a play for the colony leader spot.

  • Squeak


    Up for adoption!

    Oh, Miss Squeak! A sweet, vocal diva who carries herself like a beauty queen dropped into farm life. Though she's high-ranking in the colony, it's clear that outdoor living isn’t her style—she’s meant to be an indoor cat. Prim, proper, and ladylike, you can see in her eyes that she’s not a fan of the grass between her toes. Miss Squeak adores being petted, she gets so into it that she will eventually tumble, get embarrassed, then quickly regain her ladylike composure. She then prances just out of reach until her desire for affection wins out again, and the charming cycle repeats. She’s litter trained, has a gentle temperament, and doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. At approximately 3 years old, she might start off timid, but she warms up with time and love.

    Just one meow and her namesake is understood.

    Alliance: Squeak is an OG colony kitty and is in the higher ranks. She has taken a strong liking to Tomlynn and Jerry.

Core Colony Kitties

  • Scrambled


    Scrambled’s face is a constant mix of jealousy, envy, and confusion. Always quick to perch on high ground, his curiosity is boundless. He demands attention and looks utterly shocked when other cats get petted alongside him. Sweet and playful, Scrambled epitomizes the beta male. As an original colony kitty, he vanished for over a year but made a remarkable comeback in late 2022, quickly reintegrating into the colony with perfect health.

    Alliances: Scrambled can be seen in the cat shack with Patches and Panther. While Scrambled can often be seen among the colony leaders, he is not besties with them nor a leader himself.

  • Patches


    Patches is a total filth gremlin! He’ll pee on anything and everything—so much so, that we had to switch to smaller food bowls because he’d squat right over them! Dustpans have to be stored upside down because of him, and he’s even peed on the insulation in the cat shack, showing his territorial insecurity. But despite his garbage goblin antics, Patches is a genuinely kind and tender little guy. He’s loving and a lap cat at heart—the only thing keeping him from being an indoor cat is his strange affection for his own urine.

    Alliances: While Patches tends to be a lone wolf, recently Scrambled and Panther have been spending more time with him in the cat shack.

  • Panther (Bob Eban)

    Panther (Bob Eban)

    Panther, formerly known as Bob Eban, is a sleek black bobtail with a name that suits his cool, confident demeanor. He started on the outskirts with Miss T and Cottontail but gradually made his way into the core of the colony alongside them. Panther’s sweet personality means he’s always the first in line for pets, and he’s often perched up high, surveying his territory with a calm, watchful presence like the true panther he’s become!

    Alliances: Panther can be seen with Cottontail and Scrambled.

  • Socks


    Socks, a tabby with little white feet, is an itty, bitty, evil kitty. She’s like something straight out of a cartoon, known for her feisty attacks on dogs. Over time, Socks has grown more secure within the core of the colony and has mellowed considerably. Recently, she’s become more playful than ever before. Socks moves as if the wind might blow her away. There’s absolutely no getting a pill down this cat!

    Alliances: Socks is secure with the leaders of the colony, Albert and Tomlynn, but is seen spending most of her time in the cat shack with Patches, Scrambled, and Squeak.

  • Gator


    Gator is the fastest newcomer to rise through the colony ranks, quickly winning over Tomlynn and Albert, reigniting their playful spark that dimmed after Gum Drop's passing. With a spirit akin to Gum Drop's, Gator pounces, prances, and plays with vivid facial expressions reminiscent of Kitten’s. Her arrival has brought a new balance to the core colony.

    Alliances: Tomlynn, Albert, Omlett, Buffy, and Djwt.

  • Sage


    Up for adoption!

    Sage is like a puppy dog trapped in a cat’s body! He’s blissfully unaware of personal boundaries, insists on being the center of attention, and plays with an enthusiastic roughness. While Sage is incredibly sweet, his playful antics can sometimes turn into bullying for the more gentle kitties. When he’s in play mode, he doesn’t quite grasp his own strength and is still figuring things out in this big world. Sage wiggles his little nubby tail in excitement and meows incessantly for attention and food. He’s a full-on mouth breather and struggles with frequent upper respiratory issues.

    Alliances: Albert, Gator, and Tomlynn put up with Sage. You can see them sigh, “he just doesn’t know any better.”

  • Oreo


    Oreo is one SPICY personality! Her feral start is impossible to miss. She bloodied and bashed us in the early days—until one day, something shifted. Call it fate, or maybe just being trapped in the recovery room, but mean, fiery Oreo softened a bit. Now, she’s only hateful towards other cats, or when we get too friendly in front of them—gotta maintain that street cred! But as soon as that’s done, she’s back to demanding pets. Over time, her kick-slaps have become more of a bluff, and the claws have mostly stayed sheathed. Oreo’s transformation? It’s almost like a mythical tale of a dragon finally won over by her loyal servant.

    Alliance:  Oreo is a lone wolf.  Staying in an abandoned trailer on the lot behind the property, Oreo shows up for food and a little boxing on the daily, making her a core member.

  • Tomson (Sonny)

    Tomson (Sonny)

    Up for adoption!

    Tomson is a true ray of sunshine. He moves with a gentle grace, meows with a sweet tone, and his eyes seem to smile. Although he’s a beta male, he’s never a target for bullying; in fact, some of the colony’s toughest cats are his close companions. Looking at Tomson’s face is like glimpsing wisdom, peace, and serenity. The only blemish on his otherwise pure demeanor is his tendency to bully Milky Way.

    Alliance: AI and GA two of the meanest cats in the colony showed up with Tomson in tow. After AI’s passing Tomson drifted from GA and spends most of his time with Tomlynn, Socks, and Scrambled.

  • Buffy


    Buffy is always on the lookout, eagerly watching from the sidelines, ready for food and play but quick to dart away when approached. With a calm, sweet nature, Buffy interacts peacefully with everyone—even the colony’s top cats. Recently, he’s upgraded from a visitor to a core member of the colony.

    Alliances: Djwt, Gator, Omlett, Patches, and Scruffy (who is believed to be related to him).

  • Cottontail


    Cottontail is one of the OG colony cats, usually hanging out on the outskirts but with some surprising moments of trust and affection. Instead of a meow, he lets out a screech that’s straight terrifying. Despite his digestive struggles, Cottontail struts around like he’s in charge, even though the actual leaders seem pretty annoyed that he greets them with startling screams.

    Alliances: Miss T was Cottontail's ride-or-die. Since Miss T passed, Cottontail has been beside himself. Cottontail does not have many alliances as most cats that interact with him are confused by his odd ways of communicating.

  • Milky Way

    Milky Way

    Up for adoption!

    Milky Way is pure, unfiltered sweetness with a side of manners that sometimes overshadows her own needs. She dreams of joining the core colony, but instead, she’s stuck on the receiving end of Sage, Jerry, Scrambled, and Squeak's relentless bullying. These troublemakers chase her off the property except when it’s mealtime! Luckily, some kind-hearted neighbors have reported that Milky Way has been cozying up on their property.

    Alliances: Milky Way was alone in this world until she found alliances with Willow and began residing on a neighbor’s property.

  • Willow


    Willow first showed up in winter 2023 but vanished just as quickly. Months later, a chat with a neighbor uncovered her lounging in their backyard. Now fixed and fully recovered, Willow’s bossy demeanor is perfectly balanced with her sweet side, making her integration into the colony a smooth and successful one.

    Alliances: Gator was her main buddy in the recovery room during spay and Milky Way was accepted by Willow on the neighbors property.

  • Blurson


    Up for adoption!

    This spirited tween kitten, the son of Willow and likely fathered by Orange Blur (get it, Blur-son?), is ready to find his forever home. Blurson doesn’t take after his parents because he is brave, spunky, and social.  He is still very impressionable, Blurson is on the lookout for a family that is willing to work with him him as he adapts to inside life. If you're interested in adding this charming little adventurer to your life, reach out today!

    Alliances: His mother, Willow, and Milky Way; two of the sweetest influences.


  • Cali


    Cali belongs to a neighbor but was one of the originals to claim our front porch with Jerry in the early days. Cali is skittish but incredibly affectionate once she begins to trust. In recent months, Cali has been pushed out by newer arrivals and no longer owns the front porch as her territory. She still shows up for meals but stays mostly on her owner’s property now. Cali’s presence in the core of the colony is missed dearly.

    Alliances: Cali's main alliance was her kitten, Kitten. Kitten’s death has left Cali without much protection. Luckily Tomson and GA have been known to be lounging with her.

  • Djwt


    Yes you read that right, pronounced djwa-it, Djwt stands for DJ with a tail. Why? Because she looks exactly like our cat DJ but with a tail. She is a recent visitor, whose background is currently unconfirmed. Djwt acts timid, but melts into sweetness easier than expected.

    Alliance: Djwt hangs out with Buffy, Omelette, and Duff at the back of the property.

  • Eban


    Yes, there is a cat in that picture—barely! Eban is a master of evasion, slinking and skulking through the neighborhood, always staying far out of reach of humans. Known only by his sleek black coat and mysterious behavior, Eban has managed to stay elusive for over two years.

    Alliances: Eban is frequently seen hanging out with Orange Blur.

  • Omelette


    Omelette is a newbie with an unverified history. She is a true feral who appears only on the outskirts. Omelette is shy and will lash out if cornered. Omelette is still finding her place in and around the colony. Omelette arrived with four kittens in tow! We're working on getting them all healthy and happy, and it seems they showed up just in time.

    Alliances: Djwt, Buffy, and Duff.

  • Opossum(s)

    Bahamma Mamma and Opossum(s)

    Bahamma Mamma is the biggest, bravest opossum in the colony. She and her crew peacefully coexist with the cats, even when Squeak throws a slap or two. Once, an opossum had to be rescued from the cat shack walls. Their numbers are unknown, but they grow bolder, especially in the colder months when they seek warmth.

  • Orange Blur

    Orange Blur

    Orange Blur is a speedy, elusive feral cat who zips around the colony, always looking over his shoulder. Despite being around for over three years, he's wary of humans and has never approached us. Sightings are rare and unpredictable. Blurr favors Ron Perlman in the face.

    Alliances: He often hangs out with Eban and the other Blurs.

  • GA


    Short for Grey A-hole, GA ranks as one of the top three meanest cats visiting our colony. He typically operates on the outskirts and is often observed clashing with the colony leaders. Our main goal is to catch and neuter him, hoping to pacify his aggressive tendencies and bring some peace to the fray, protecting the established leaders and the core colony as a whole. GA is at the top of our list for neutering as soon as we manage the new female arrivals!

    Alliances: Originally GA appeared with AI and Tomson.  Since AI’s disappearance, GA has drifted from Tomson and is seen mostly with Meep.

  • Meep


    The reigning champ of meanness at our colony, Meep doesn't just challenge the colony leaders—he goes after the very hand that feeds him! Known for his swift swipes at legs that leave lasting marks, Meep's wild and unpredictable antics have landed him at the top of our neutering list alongside GA. We're eager to help him settle down a bit once we catch up with the new female arrivals.

    Alliances:  GA, together they are double trouble.

  • Scruffy

    Picture to come!

    One of the originals, Scruffy is truly one-of-a-kind! If you just listened to her, you might think she hates being petted. But watch her body language, and you'll see she absolutely loves it. Scruffy is one of the more complex characters among our visitors. She first vanished in the early days before our efforts really got off the ground. Incredibly, Scruffy reappeared this summer of 2024, filling our hearts with love and relief at her return. She's now on the waiting list to be spayed at a low-cost clinic, ensuring her health and safety as she continues her life with us.

    Alliances: Currently Scruffy is hanging out with Duff and Omlett.

  • Duff

    Picture to come!

    Sweet and compact with a distinctive bad eye, Duff made her debut just a month ago and has already charmed the core of the colony. Incredibly sweet, she’s been warmly welcomed by the other members. We're in the process of verifying Duff's history to ensure there are no previous claims or owners before she is fully integrated into the heart of our colony.

    Alliances: Duff mainly hangs our with Scruffy, Djwt, and and Omlett but is liked by most of the colony.

The Legacy of Past Colony Cats

Some have stayed, and some have gone away. Some visit now and again, and some we will never see again. Their presence lingers in our hearts, a cherished reminder of the love and joy they brought into our lives.

Confirmed Passings

  • Gum Drop

    Gum Drop, with her sweet nature and round little belly, was aptly named. She quickly formed a close bond with Albert, who mentored her and even influenced her quirky habit of walking in place while drinking water. Rising through the ranks alongside Albert and Tomlynn, Gum Drop emerged as a leader in her own right, nurturing new arrivals and brightening our memories with her whimsically playful and occasionally mischievous nature. Though she left us too soon due to FIP, her legacy of warmth and leadership continues to shine in our hearts.

  • Miss T

    Miss T arrived at the colony sick and covered in filth, looking much like Teddy but without a tail. This led to her initial name, TT, which eventually evolved into Miss T to match her proper sweetness. The long journey to restore her health forged a bond beyond words. Her face, always alight with pure love, showed the trust she had in us. Miss T wasn’t just a companion; she was the heart of the colony.  She took a piece of our hearts with her. With her persistently sweet but insistent meows, she demanded attention the moment she saw us. Always first in line for any form of affection, her persistence was both endearing and unforgettable. We would give anything to be pestered by her again.

  • Hyde

    Hyde had clearly been a mother multiple times before she joined us. Her trust in us was born out of necessity, as she was severely malnourished and had few options when she arrived. Despite experiencing pain in her back end that sometimes led to her lashing out, Hyde still demanded affection with her distinctive howling meows. Constantly accompanied by Bobby, she had a habit of disappearing and reappearing quickly, which added to her complex and endearing presence. Hyde was the first cat we had spayed, unfortunately she passed away from an unknown complication. Her fierce hunter-like instincts and wildcat howls are deeply missed.

  • Kitten

    Kitten, the first kitten in the colony, was Cali’s daughter and best friend. Cali took on a protective role, and Kitten inherited her skittish demeanor. Despite dental treatments and medication, Kitten suffered from stomatitis and a tender mouth. Tragically, she was killed by a neighbor's dog shortly before her second dental procedure.

  • Gremlin

    Arriving as a snotty, pink-eyed with his sister DJ, Gremlin quickly found a home on our front porch under the watchful care of Albert, who became their guardian during those vulnerable early days. Tragically, Gremlin's life was cut short the summer of 2022 by a road accident, marking one of the most heart-wrenching losses our colony has faced. Witnessing the event left DJ deeply traumatized, affecting her ability to function within the colony. In the wake of this tragedy, we took DJ in as our own, committing to her care and recovery. To prevent further tragedies, we urge you to reach out to our local government in Monticello, KY, and advocate for speed interventions on Homestead Lane, Ridgewood Avenue, and West Evelyn Ave. Whether it's stop signs, speed bumps, or another measure, your voice can help make a difference and save lives.

  • Coco

    Coco was a timid, sweet soul who showed up one month, only to fall victim to the dangers of the road the next. In her short time with us, she never became approachable, but her loss still hit hard. Want to help prevent tragedies like Coco's? Reach out to our local government in Monticello, KY, and advocate for speed intervention on Homestead Lane, Ridgewood Avenue, and West Evelyn Ave. Whether you think stop signs, speed bumps, or another solution is needed, your voice can make a difference!


  • AI


    AI arrived in the colony with a tough attitude but soon melted into a sweet little kitty. His presence was so intense that opposing him was not an option, so a truce emerged. Despite the initial resistance, he became a crucial part of the leadership team. Unfortunately, AI disappeared in June 2024. Despite posting flyers and searching, he has not reappeared, but we remain hopeful for his return.

  • Big Eyes

    Big Eyes was a fleeting presence, staying on the outskirts just a month or two, and never surpassed visitor status. Disappearing in spring 2023, this elusive little spirit left us hoping for a reunion someday.

  • Twinkie


    As the leader of the "Candy Squad," Twinkie was unmistakable—double the size of Kitkat or Crunchy, with golden fur that glowed even on the darkest nights. Her well-cared-for appearance reflected the love her owners had for her. Twinkie and her squad were cherished visitors, known for their pleasant interactions with the core colony leaders during their time with us.

  • Benedict

    Benedict was one persistent little guy, with a morning meow that was impossible to ignore! His affection was so overwhelming that if he were human, he might have come across as a bit stalkerish. Despite his quirks, we wouldn’t have traded his enthusiastic love for anything. Disappeared summer 2022 before our operations were up and running.

  • KitKat

    The sassiest member of the "candy squad," KitKat stood out with traces of orange in her brown fur, resembling Crunchy but with an extra splash of color. Her fiery personality wasn't as temperamental as Oreo's, but it was striking enough that they could have been mistaken for sisters. Unfortunately, KitKat and the rest of the candy squad vanished in the spring of 2023 when their owners moved away.

  • Crunchy

    The sweetest member of the "Candy Squad," Crunchy hailed from a previous neighbor's home and disappeared when they moved. Known for their tight-knit trio that moved like a hive mind, Crunchy stood out as the gentlest among them. She was the only one who never let crankiness lead to kick-slapping, always maintaining her calm and kind demeanor.

  • Diamond

    One of the original members of the colony, Diamond was as white as snow and as elusive as a shadow. Her timid and evasive nature made her difficult to catch, and she only lingered for a season or two during the early days of our efforts. Diamond arrived alongside Teddy when he was critically ill. Already spayed, it was presumed she had an owner somewhere, watching over her from a distance.  

  • Dasani

    Arrived with the owner who abandoned Milky Way, but unlike his companion, Dasani never quite found his place in the colony, never surpassing visitor status. He remained aloof, maintaining his distance from the group dynamics. When the neighbors moved, Dasani disappeared with them, leaving us hopeful that they decided to keep him as part of their family. Dasani looked just like Eban, but skinny and young.

New Home

  • Bobert

    Oh, Bobby! This little dude took over a year to win over. He showed up with Tomlynn but really hit it off with Hyde during one of their overlapping visits. Bobby loved to play in our rose bushes and was one of our finest mousers. His sweet, timid personality eventually transformed into that of a lovable fluff ball. But when Hyde passed away from complications after her spay, Bobby just wasn’t the same. He became moody, irritable, and lethargic, with his sparkle dimming. With the help of the amazing folks at Bluegrass Vet in Paris, KY, we connected with Stray Hearts Rescue, and Bobby found his forever home. Now he’s living happily ever after, just as he always deserved.

  • Egg

    The first yellow cat to grace our neighborhood in 2021, Egg quickly charmed us with his spunky, kind, and brave personality. Once we confirmed he had no owner, we were able to find him a loving new home where he could continue to thrive and bring joy.